ZigBee Training In Depth

ZigBee Training In Depth course with hands-on Exercises (Online, Onsite and Classroom Live)

Using lecture interspersed with lab work, this ZigBee Training In Depth workshop will help you acquire a thorough understanding of ZigBee operations necessary for creating the next generation wireless sensor solutions, products, and services. You will study the physical layer and the challenges of operating in short range, low power and lossy environments. You will also gain a detailed understanding of the ZigBee protocol stack and key operational messaging between ZigBee devices.

The lab work will require the participants to bring Windows based laptops to the classroom, and it will use the spectrum analyzer Metageek Chanalyzer 4 and the packet analyzer Wireshark.

ZigBee Training In DepthDuration: 2 days

  • We can adapt this ZigBee Training In Depth course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this ZigBee Training In Depth course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the ZigBee Training In Depth course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the ZigBee Training In Depth course in manner understandable to lay audiences.

The target audience for this ZigBee Training In Depth course:

  • ZigBee engineers, product developers, integrators, testers, managers, support personnel, and other who need to understand how ZigBee works.

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this ZigBee Training In Depth course are:

  • Some prior exposure to wireless technologies will be helpful but is not required.
ZigBee Training In Depth - OBJECTIVES

Upon completing this ZigBee Training In Depth course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Discover the challenges of providing connectivity to devices that are operating in highly variable and lossy RF environments
  • Build a solid understanding of the IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN standard that was defined to support short range connectivity between devices (the foundation of the ZigBee specification)
  • Understand the ZigBee specifications and the evolution to ZigBee Pro. Key features including mesh networking will be discussed.
  • Explore the higher layer ZigBee profiles, clusters and attributes that are enabling sensor applications and services
  • Describe how ZigBee IP is incorporating the IETF IP protocols including 6LoWPAN and RPL
  • Gain insights into the importance of ZigBee and how one can better manage that importance in their job functions
ZigBee Training In Depth - COURSE SYLLABUS
  • Introduction
    • Learning objectives and course outline
    • Tools used in the course labs
    • Defining low range wireless networks
    • Applications and services
    • Spectrum considerations
  • Fundamental of short-range wireless networks
    • Range
    • Channel bandwidth and throughput
    • Modulation and coding
    • Access technologies
    • Interference and coexistence
    • Power consumption
    • Labs:
    • Introduction to spectrum analyzers
    • Recognize ZigBee signals and channels
    • Sources of interference
    • Avoid interference from Wi-Fi networks
  • 802.15.4 Personal Area Networks (PAN)
    • 802.15.4 task groups
    • PAN network topologies and architecture
    • 802.15.4 physical layers
    • Beacon enabled networks
    • Non-beacon enabled networks
    • Superframes and frame types and traffic flow
    • Message exchange
    • Labs:
    • 802.15.4 channel numbers
    • Analyze 802.15.4 beacon frames
    • The 802.15.4 association process
  • ZigBee
    • ZigBee applications and services
    • ZigBee Alliance
    • Protocol stack
    • Network topologies and mesh networking
    • ZigBee routing protocol
    • ZigBee commands and message format
    • Exploring the ZigBee message exchange
    • Overview of ZigBee applications
    • Labs:
    • Analyze ZigBee beacon frame
    • Analyze ZigBee control frames
    • Explore ZigBee profiles, clusters, and attributes
  • ZigBee IP
    • IPv6 Lower Power WPAN (6LoWPAN)
    • Adaption format and addressing
    • IPv6 routing protocol for LLN
    • Routing over Low Lossy Networks (ROLL)
    • Labs:
    • Analyze 6LoWPAN header compression and fragmentation
    • Analyze RPL messages
  • ZigBee security
    • Threats and countermeasures
    • 802.15.4 link layer security
    • ZigBee network layer security
    • Labs:
    • Review key exchange
    • Encrypting and decrypting frames
  • Wrap-up
    • Contrasting Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee
    • Course Recap and Q/A
    • Evaluations
ZigBee Training In Depth Course: Recap, Q/A, and Evaluation

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