Enterprise Architecture Training
Specialize your skills by taking the Enterprise Architecture training and learn unique industry-standard enterprise architecture methodologies and framework such as TOGAF, DoDAF, MoDAF, FEAF, NAF, and more.
Enterprise Architecture definition by Gartner: Enterprise architecture (EA) is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analyzing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes. EA delivers value by presenting business and IT leaders with signature-ready recommendations for adjusting policies and projects to achieve target business outcomes that capitalize on relevant business disruptions.
Duration: 3 days
- Enterprise Architecture Training – https://www.wiley.com/
- Enterprise Architecture Training – https://www.packtpub.com/
- Enterprise Architecture Training – https://store.logicaloperations.com/
- Enterprise Architecture Training – https://us.artechhouse.com/
- Enterprise Architecture Training – https://www.amazon.com/
- Introduction to DoDAF Training
- Architecting with the DoD Architecture Framework Training
- DoDAF 2 Training- Hands-on Project Based DoDAF Training
- DoDAF Certification, Project-based Hands-on DoDAF Training
- DoDAF 2.02 Migration Training
- We can adapt this Enterprise Architecture Training course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
- If you are familiar with some aspects of this Enterprise Architecture Training course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
- We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Enterprise Architecture Training Course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
- If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Enterprise Architecture Training course in manner understandable to lay audiences.
The target audience for this Enterprise Architecture Training course:
- All
The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this Enterprise Architecture Training course are:
- N/A
Enterprise Architecture Training - OBJECTIVES
Upon completing this Enterprise Architecture Training course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:
- Understand the basic concepts of Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Identify the added value of EA
- Explore why and how to build an EA
- Understand challenges of implementing EA, including the technical and organizational issues
- Identify the elements of an EA implementation plan
- Articulate strategy is gradually implemented architecturally in systems, vendor selection strategies, processes and in organization structures supporting the systems
- List Architectural processes, Architecting governance and Architectural patterns
- Traits and auxiliary competencies needed by architects particular technologies and their use
- Develop an EA working plan
- Determine specific architectures necessary for your organization
- Identify the steps to improve enterprise architecture practices
- Develop a good understanding of Architecture, Architect ring and Enterprise Architecture in terms of definition, challenges and competitive benefits
- More effectively understand the need for Enterprise Architecture cross-functional activities
- More effectively realize the value of TOGAF, 4+1, TM Forum in developing specific strategies and measuring their impact
- Identify different EA frameworks including: TOGAF, DoDAF, FEAF, NAF, Zachman, NASCIO, CEAF and more
- Understand The Rational Unified Process (RUP) and The Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
- Select, organize and implement a EA project
- Select between TOGAF, Zachman Framework (ZF), 4+1, RUP/EUP, IEEE 1471, DoDAF, MODAF, NAF, and FEAF
- Identify typical symptoms of EA dysfunction
- Redesign EA and structure successfully within the enterprise
- Develop best practices in the EA development
- Ensure best practice through the application of EA
Developing on AWS Training - COURSE SYLLABUS
Introduction to Architecture and Architects
- Architects
- What is Architecture?
- Concepts behind Architecting
- Architecture and Architecting
- Why, How, When on Architecting
- Architecture in the Context
- Architecture Domains
- Architectural Challenges
- Concepts behind Architecture Frameworks
What is Enterprise Architecture (EA)?
- EA Defined
- Basic Concepts
- The Enterprise Architecture Domain
- EA Vision and Benefits
- EA Segments
- EA Frameworks and Selection Principles
- EA Interfaces
- EA Governance
- EA Products
- EA Implementation Strategy
- EA Domains
- Business drivers for Enterprise Architecture
- Key Issues for EA
- EA implementation essentials
- Strategies, architectures, models, skills, approaches and tools
- Developing and managing an EA
- EA Budget Allocation and Roles
- EA Performance Measurement
- EA Budget / Performance Integration
- Component-Based Architectures
- Enterprise Architecture (EA) Choices
- TOGAF, Zachman Framework (ZF) and RUP/EUP, DoDAF, MODAF, AGATE, FEAF, CEAF and NASCIO
Concepts behind Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Architecture Frameworks and EA
- Architecture Principles and Practices
- AS-IS vs. TO-BE Architecture
- Concepts behind Gap Analysis
- Business and IT/Technology Alignment Issues
- The Framework Dilemma
- Types of Architecture Frameworks
- TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
- 4+1 View Model
- TM Forum Framework
- Zachman Framework
- Differences between Frameworks
- Frameworks that Follow a Process Approach
Basic Architecture
- Alignment of IT and Business
- From Business Architecture Blueprint to system blueprint
- Enterprise architecture frameworks, target architectures
- SOA design concepts
- Integration concepts: API and service management, REST, JSON, standard interfaces and protocols.
- Databases, data modeling
- Typical data structures
- Developing a current and future architecture model using standardized modeling tools
- Ways of implementing via a greenfield approach
- Way of implementing via brownfield transformations
- Tools and communication
- Architecture Governance
- How to create reusable architectural building blocks that promote business transformation (principles of modular design)
- Optimizing the interplay between a large number of systems or applications within an enterprise portfolio
- EA tools and using them in the communication with the Solution Architects
- Enterprise Architecture Domains: Business, Application, Data and technology
Information Architecture
- What is a Model?
- Typical Kinds of Model
- Business Process Model
- Business Information Model
- System requirements Model
- System Design Model
- Data model
- Business data versus application data; Common Object Models
- Cross domain view: normalization of IT and other data models
- Data design and management principles
- Information models and tools
- RDBMS, SQL, PLSQL assessment
- Non- relational data management
- Performance management
- Data policies, security. Customer data protection acts, regulation
- Addressing the issues with Architecture
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Model Driven Architecture
- Architecture Driven Modernization
- What is Architecture?
- Architecture as a Product
- Architecture as a Practice
- What is Architecture Driven Modernization?
- Business Architecture
- System Architecture
- Technical Architecture
- System Implementation
- Leveraging Service-Oriented and Model Approach to Architecting your Enterprise
- Purpose of Reference Architecture
- Common pitfalls for Telecom Service Providers
- Drivers of Reference Architecture
- The drivers of the Reference Architecture are Reference Architecture Goals, Principles, and
- Enterprise Vision and Telecom Transformation
- Completeness of the design
- Common understanding across organization
- functionality, availability, scalability, etc.
Integration Architecture
- Integration technologies, middleware platforms, architecture
- Integration principles
- Service governance
- Integration performance and management
- Data conversion
- Integration Security and Reliability
- Service Policies
- Design workshop (hands-on service design)
Current State and Future Directions of the IT Industry
- The IT Challenge
- Alignment of IT to Business
- Role of EA
- IT Strategic Planning
- IT Program and Portfolio Management
- IT Development vs. Operations
- IT Governance
- Regulatory and Compliance (SOX)
- IT Infrastructure Architecture Domains
- Integrated Architecture Framework
- Architecture and Architecture Framework Defined
- Trends in IT
- Social Networking
- Web 2.0/Mashups/Wiki/Widgetization
- Enterprise 2.0
- Virtualization
- Green Computing
EA Components
- Application and Technology Architecture
- Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Views
- Application Architecture
- Application Patterns
- Technology Architecture
- Technology Patterns
- Business Architecture
- Information Architecture
- Data Architecture
- Systems Architecture
- Systems Management
- Privacy
- Security and Directory
- Capacity Planning
- Disaster Recovery
- Computer Architecture
- The Business Architecture
- Access Architecture
- Integration Architecture
- Network Architecture
- Platform Architecture
EA Implementation Plan Examples
- EA Planning, Acquisition and Requirements Generation
- Strategies for EA Management
- Implementing EA Strategies
- Integration of EA, Security, and Capital Planning Processes
- Building Support for EA Across Independent Organizations
- Using the EA to Assess and Improve Performance
- Using the EA to Make Intelligent Management Decisions
- Tactical Issues for Applying EA Investments
- Designing an EA for Business Value and Relevance
- The Change Management Challenge of Implementing a Successful EA Program
- Lessons Learned from EA Implementations
- Architecture and Transformation
- Essential Elements for Creating a Usable Enterprise Architecture
A Comparison of the Top Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies
- Using the Enterprise Architecture to Quantify the Benefits of IT Projects
- The Zachman Framework (ZF) for Enterprise Architecture
- Using the Zachman Framework to Integrate Security and EA
- Enterprise knowledge artifacts
- Extended framework
- Rules of the Framework
- The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)
- Architecture Development Method (ADM)
- Enterprise Continuum
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)
- The Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
- Spewak’s EAP
- Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) v1.5 and v2
- All View (AV)
- Operational View (OV)
- Systems View (SV)
- Technical Standards View (TV)
- DoDAF v2 Views and DoDAF Metamodel
- NATO Architecture Framework (NAF)
- The UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF)
- Strategic goals of the enterprise, and the people, processes and systems
- Business architecture: describes organizations and Business processes
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- Logical architecture of the system
- Physical architecture of the systems
- Hardware and software products used in the architecture
- EAI, BPM, SOA, and Web Services to Support Your Enterprise Architecture
4+1 View Model
- Conceptual vs. Physical
- Logical View (Functionality)
- Implementation View (Configuration Management)
- Deployment View
- Process View (Performance Scalability and Throughput)
- Scenarios
- Correspondence between views
Case Studies
- The Governance Enterprise Architecture (GEA)
- Definition and Motivation
- GEA models
- GEA Implementation directions
- e-Government development
Enterprise Architecture Training Course Wrap-Up
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